Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Sneak Peak into The Naughty Nook: Christmas Photo Shoot Pin Up Files

Have you ever flipped through the pages of Bewitching Book Tours Magazine?

We have a section called The Naughty Nook.

This is where we publish info and details about erotica books, erotica excerpts, have interviews with erotica authors and we publish erotic poetry and a new thing we call The Pin Up Files which features photo spreads and interviews with photographers and models.

I'm going to offer you a sneak peak into this month's 
Naughty Nook and Pin Up Files Sections.

Tasty Christmas Treats
Roxanne Rhoads

Genre: Holiday erotica

Publisher: Eternal Press

ISBN-10: 1897559909
ISBN-13: 978-1897559901

Paperback: 26 pages

Book Description:

Kelly has had a long day working in her upscale adult boutique. She's ready to kick off her heels and spend some quality time with her husband, Marc, which just might include activities involving candy canes, ribbons and bows that would make even Kelly blush!

But just as things are spicing up, an emergency phone call from one of Kelly's employees interrupts the festive fun. Kelly's troublemaking, oversexed cousin, Chrissy, is up to no good, and wreaking havoc in Kelly's upscale sex shop.

Can Kelly convince Chrissy that her store is not a brothel before the cops shut it down? Will Kelly and Marc ever get to finish their passionate Christmas rendezvous?

Available at Amazon in ebook and print

Why the Pin Up Files?

By Roxanne Rhoads

Several people have asked why I decided to include information about models and photographers in a magazine about books and authors.

For one I wanted to expand what the magazine offers, open it up to a new group of readers. I wanted to do something different, something the other book magazines don’t do.

Two, I have friends and acquaintances that are models and burlesque performers. They’ve introduced to me to the business, to the model world and to a lot of photographers. I wanted to offer them some appreciation, because I am a fan, and showcase them in a new promotional spotlight.

But the real reason I added the Pin Up Files section to the magazine is because the models and photographers are part of the book world as well- because they are the part of an often overlooked aspect of a book- the cover.

Which is funny because the cover is the first thing most of us see when it comes to a book, the cover can make or break a book’s success. The cover can be the final factor in whether or not someone decides to purchase a book.

But yet how many people think about everything it takes to create a cover.

I know some people will think about the designer, they are finally getting more credit for their designs which is fabulous (and I am not undermining them, I have much cover artist love) but do many people think about the model that posed for the image or the photographer that took the photo?

Probably not, with so many stock photo sites selling tons of photos the photographers and models are never really mentioned or credited.

This is my way of crediting them because they are the foundation of which book covers are built on. Without the models and photographers, the cover designers would have nothing to work with and the authors would have plain, boring covers.

So please take a moment and read through our Pin Up Files, you may see some of these models on a future book cover- and those images may have been taken by one of the photographers we may feature or mention in this magazine.

And please check out a few of my own images- I had the chance to model as Mrs. Claus to my husband’s Santa at a holiday group photo shoot hosted by model Ginger Kewl. It was nice to meet some of the photographers and models I see and chat with on Facebook. I even got firsthand experience at being a model. Not really my thing but it was fun to give it a try.

Mr and Mrs Claus Photos by Scott Gould https://www.facebook.com/SGPHOTOGRAPHY

Santa Robert https://www.facebook.com/santafortheholidays

Tasty Treats Photo Shoot by Steven Jon Horner Photography