Friday, June 22, 2012

Guest Blog by Jack Whitsel

Welcome to Shadows of Kings and the Dragon Rising series.

With the June release of Shadows in Kings upon us -  I thought I would share a sneak peak of the region and provide a list of characters. Thanks to everyone who have contributed to this journey.

The Players

Lady Lucia – Dragon Maiden of the Order

Lord Baudouin – Son of Duke Theudis

Rizela – Princess and Sorceress of the Darkfey

Ghruelnar – Sorcerer and leader of the Harhn Horde

Alaric – Dragon Initiate of the Order

Norris – Cousin and Standard Bearer of Lord Baudouin

Flannery – Cousin of Lord Baudouin

Isidore – Knight of Mersalia

Dragana – Young sorceress, daughter of Lord Yannic of the Order.

Celestine - Sorceress

Duke Theudis – Duke of Camille and Standard Bearer of King Amger.

King Amger – King of Mersalia

The Founding

According to the Hugue Calendar, the region was established over five hundred years ago. Following the Great War between Elves and Men, Humans from the Ancestral Plains, fearing another onslaught from the Elves, left their homes and traveled across the Barren Steppe to the region called the Hugue.[1] The settlers comprised of nobles and commoners from the various cities decimated by war. Together, they made the long journey, putting aside cultural differences in order to start a new beginning. Upon reaching the Hugue, they found the region infested with Harhn and all manner of foul beasts. Led by Lord Theudemund of House Amric, the warriors from the assembly of Men, combined with the native Humans and Halflings of the region, drove the beasts from the Hugue. After this great victory, the Principalities were established. Each sovereign of the three strongest factions were married to one of Theudemund's daughters as a token of good will and to strengthen the newly formed alliances. Theudemund’s son became the  King of Mersalia. The other Principalities formed were Pratalsia, Gruneheim, Cadyrnia, and Mersalia. Already existing principalities were Verslund, Vhor, and Henstubber.

[1] There is no documented evidence that describes who started the war. The author’s sentiment suggests the Elves were purely behind the conflict.


Steel and sorcery clash as the Harhn incursion sweeps through the Hugue. Mankind faces its greatest peril without the Order Knights of legend to defend them. Crusading deep in the frontier, the Order is unaware of the savage beasts threatening their homeland as the Hugue realms muster their armies for war.

Between a cunning Harhn sorcerer, and an alliance forged with the decadent Darkfey, the horde threatens to extinguish the domains of men. Only Lord Baudouin and Lady Lucia, a Dragon Maiden from the Order, stand in the enemy’s path. One must find the strength to unify the realms. The other must discover the strength within her, while coming to terms with the agendas of her Order. But only together will there be any hope to repel the onslaught, and preserve the future for a mysterious girl they do not know. 

Author Bio:

Jack Whitsel is a native Californian, but has made Oregon his home since 1982. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Finance from Portland State University, but studies medieval history in his spare time.  His favorite genres are fantasy and historical fiction with a medieval emphasis. Shadows of Kings, the first novel of the Dragon Rising Series is the love child born of these two passions.

“I love the elements of fantasy when mixed with the gritty aspects of a medieval society,” states the author.