Friday, December 09, 2011

I'll Be Mated for Christmas Tour Stop and Giveaway

One of the things I love so much about this time of year, is getting to use my fireplace. I know this might sound really strange. We do use it throughout the entire winter. But, my February I am so sick of winter that I am no longer sighing and feeling wonderful about the look or smell of the fireplace in my living room.

Now, Rebecca, you might say, I read on your profile that you have 3 small children. How can you safely use the fireplace? (And, no, this is not going to be a blog about fire safety.) Well, I would answer, we have a gate that keeps them away. Check out the One Step Ahead catalog and you’ll see what I mean. But, I digress.

In my house, growing up, we had a fireplace but it was in the other room away from the tv. You always had to pick—did you want to watch a movie or sit by the fire. It was hard. I always wanted to do both. In my home now, the fireplace is right next to the television. I don’t have to pick!

As I write this, it is lit and lulling me into a sense of relaxation where I might do some really good writing. What about you? What do you do or have that makes you really like this season?


Bethany Johnson grew up one of the only humans in a pack of werewolves. She didn’t have an easy time and her self-confidence was almost non-existent. Finally, after some serious psychotherapy and the help of weight-loss surgery, she is feeling like the Bethany she has always wanted to be. But now she has to say goodbye to the werewolves in her life. Out with the old and in with the new this year…

Luke Denarius is the new Alpha of the Delta pack. He’s never met Bethany but the second he scents her he knows she is his. No way is she going off to Italy for adventure and hot sex with other men.

With the help of Madame Eve these two will find that a mating is in the works for Christmas

About the Author:

As a teenager, I would hide in my room to read my favorite romance novels when I was supposed to be doing my homework. I hope, these days, that my parents think it was worth it.

I am the mother of three adorable boys and I am fortunate to be married to my best friend. We live in northern New Jersey and try not to freeze too badly during the winter months.

I am in love with science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal and try to use all of these elements in my writing. I've been told I'm a little bloodthirsty so I hope that when you read my work you'll enjoy the action packed ride that always ends in romance. I love to write series because I love to see characters develop over time and it always makes me happy to see my favorite characters make guest appearances in other books.

In my world anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect that it will.

I'd love to hear from you!

Website / Facebook / Facebook Fan Page

Giveaway Time

Rebecca is offering one lucky winner the choice of any of her

Decadent Publishing titles

1 Winner Can Choose 1 of Rebecca's Decadent Titles


Barbara said...

I'm with's the fireplace for me too. I HATE the cold! So, sit me next to the fire with a cup of hot tea or coco, let the cat plop in my lap...give me a good book to read and I'm a happy gal!

I'd choose the book you're highlighting: I'll Be Mated For Christmas

jfort357 said...

I love this time of year!!! I usually smother myself with family. Enjoying those memorable moments with them. During my quiet times, I cuddle up with my Snuggie & a good book on my fav chair!!! :-) Total Bliss!!!!

I'll Be Mated For Christmas sounds very enticing!!! Added it to my TBR list!! Thanks for the chance to win!! Merry Christmas!!!


Gabby said...

We have a fireplace but it's not exactly what you would call a "real." one, my mom and I have always wanted a fireplace in our house if we ever own one.

For now though we're content with our large old fashion heater.

For me when it gets cold outside I like to drink hot coco and stick my legs under the covers and I like the freshness I feel when I'm outside on a cold day, nothing beats a good book and hot coco when you're back inside though!

Elaine G said...

I wish I still had a fireplace..Its snowing here today,and on these days I miss it.
My nephew is coming here today,so I think I'll take him out to play in the snow.Its his first year where he can do that.I'm not a fan of winter,so the first snowfall is about all I like.

I'll Be Mated for Christmas sounds really good.I'd love to win that.


WildAboutBones said...

Thanks you for the introduction to a new (to me) author. I'd love to win.
WildAboutBones at gmail dot com

Pommawolf Emeraldwolfeyes said...

I love fireplaces! I live in the interior of Alaska north of Fairbanks and we have such long winters. I love having a fire burning and with no little ones around it been easier to enjoy it more...*S*

Thank you for the blurb and added this to my TBR list too!


Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Oh gosh, now that I have moved more up north... I love fireplaces!!!! They are great to snuggle up to.... with someone that gets you kinda hot already, lol!!!!

Oh gosh, this is a great book!!!!!

Cathy M said...

No fireplace, but I love sitting in front of our gas stove snuggled in my down comforter, drinking a mug of vanilla/cinnamon tea and reading a sexy romance.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Nay Nay said...

I agree it's the fireplace for me. Unfortunately my fireplace is in the front room and the TV is in the family room. (old house)When it's winter, I will sit by the fireplace with a good book and music playing and just read and relax. Love it. Thank you for the chance to win!

reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

latishajean said...

I know about cold I live in Wisconsin gets very cold wish I had a fireplace love to stay warm and read a good book! Thank you for the great giveaway
sounds like a great book!

Pam said...

I love when it snows but I tend to be cold a lot and I don't have a fireplace though I wish I did.

I'll Be Mated for Christmas sounds great. I love werewolf stories like this.

Thank you for the giveaway!
