Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Scary, Sexy and Highly Erotic Short Fiction

I have a Halloween treat for you since it is creeping up quite quickly. I just love Halloween but I've been so busy I haven't had the chance to write any erotic stuff this year, but here's a story I wrote last year and have touched up a bit since then.

(c) Copyright 2007 by Roxanne Rhoads
this can not be reprinted without permission of the author
Something woke me up; I opened my eyes slowly not really wanting to see whatever it was that had roused me. Something was jumping up and down outside my window, scraping and tapping. My heart stopped, jumped then started racing in my chest. I couldn’t seem to catch my breath as I struggled to find my way out of the cobwebs of sleep and the tangled mass of blankets and sheets wrapped around me.

A bright flash blinded my sleep crusted eyes as the howling and wailing began. I would have screamed but a loud rumble of thunder shook the house. I sighed as the scream died in my throat. It was just a storm. Another late October storm, there had been a lot lately.

My racing heart started to slow down. There was nothing to be scared of. The movements and tapping at my windows were just trees and the howling was just the wind. I laughed at myself. I had been easily spooked for days.

It was almost Halloween and everything gets spookier close to Halloween, right?

Of course I had another reason to be on edge.

I rolled over and touched the empty spot next to me. I sighed. Then I felt it. The air was thicker than it should have been, thick with some kind of strange energy and a sickly sweet cloying aroma in the air. I could feel tendrils of fear scrawling over my skin. I wanted to scream but the thick air caught in my throat and the awful sweetness made me gag.
I furtively glanced around the dark room full of moving shadows. There was not another human in the room, but I was not alone.

She stepped out of the shadows as lightning lit up the room. I gasped. I knew she was there but her horrible beauty always surprised and shocked me. A cold knife of fear stabbed at my insides the same time desire washed through me. I couldn’t help my reaction and I hated myself for it.

"I can smell your fear and desire; it's such a sweet mix. That's what I love about you so much. Fear turns you on, it gets you off whether you want it to or not," her sensual voice came out like a purr then turned into wicked laughter as she moved closer to me.

Her vicious laugh sent chills down my spine and caused a strange tingling sensation in my groin. Another flash of lightning lit up the room and I could see her cafe au lait skin, her wavy dark red hair falling over her mostly bare flesh and her full, blood red lips smiling, showing a mouthful of shiny white teeth deceptively perfect yet razor sharp. Terror started to seep through me.

She was beautiful in a terrifying kind of way. Especially after you knew what she was and what she was capable of. She reached for me. I cringed in horror. I wanted to pull away. I tried to scoot out of her reach but as I moved backwards I hit the headboard of my bed.

My back arched and my nipples hardened. My body wanted her touch. It was betraying me as it always did when she was around.

Her hand snaked out and cupped my breast. A sharp fingernail grazed my nipple. It started to bleed. Sweat was dripping down my back and pooling between my legs as my nipple dripped blood slowly onto my belly.

She crawled onto my bed like a cat stalking its prey. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could see her perfectly now. Her skimpy dress was gone. I shivered in revulsion as I ached to suck on the dark chocolate nipples that topped her large inhumanly round and perfect breasts. Neither age, nor pregnancy nor hormones would ever change their beauty.

"Go away succubitch!" I yelled defiantly, though it came out high and whiny, my fear showed through my bravado. She laughed at me.

"You know you don't mean that, love,” The laughter was replaced by a seductive purr as she caressed my breast. “You want me, you crave me. Why can't you just admit it?"

Her long tongue slithered out from between her moist lips and licked the tiny droplets of blood from my nipple. She didn't even have to bend her head down. That tongue felt so good when it slid into other, lower places. She eased in closer to me and suddenly her hands were everywhere caressing me, teasing me. Her fingers probed my moist swollen folds until they parted and let her in. I moaned and opened my thighs, inviting her into me. I couldn't help myself. She made it feel so good.

She moved low over my body and her head went between my legs. Her long tongue slithered around my clit, slid over and between my lips then plunged all the way inside me tickling my g-spot. I cried out in ecstasy moaning and wriggling against her mouth as she thrust in and out of me with her tongue as her lips expertly teased my clit. I moaned, guttural noises escaped my lips as I thrust my pelvis up. I couldn’t stop myself, ecstasy washed over and through me. I cried out as I exploded, writhing against her face, flowing into her mouth, she drank me.

Then I felt her thrust something large and hard inside me. It was big and thick and cold. Horror tickled my spine. Oh, God, not again I begged silently. I hated it when she did that. It was horrible and grotesque. She was fucking me with a dead man's penis. A man she killed. One of her little trophies. Please don't let it be Tom's, I prayed. She loved taunting me, threatening to fuck me with my dead lover's cold cock.

Lilith is a succubus. She kills men during sex, in that final moment when they spill their seed inside her, that glorious pussy sucks the life right out of them. Their whole body shrivels up except for the penis inside her. It is forever preserved in its glory. The rock hard shaft will stay rigid and perfect forever. She chops it off and keeps it as a souvenir. The bitch has a trunk full of them. I don't want to know exactly how many there are. I just know she has them in every possible size and color and loves to thrust them inside me so she can watch me squirm with horror. She'll fuck me with the once living flesh until I come. I hate it but my body betrays me as she skillfully brings me to orgasm over and over.

Lilith, the succubitch, came into my life about six months ago. My boyfriend Tom and I wanted to try something different and kinky. We decided to have a threesome. I had always been curious about being with another woman and every straight man's fantasy is to be with two women at the same time. So one night Tom went out and picked her up at a club and brought her home to me.

I had never been with another woman before but she made it amazing. Her skill, her touch, it was beyond belief. She pleasured me over and over while Tom watched. She tongued me as he stroked himself. Then it was my turn to taste her. She spread herself open wide and I indulged in her feminine glory. As I tasted her pussy Tom thrust into me from behind. It was the last time I would ever have sex with the man I loved.

Lilith made Tom lay down on the bed. She crawled over him with feline grace and covered his body with hers. I watched his penis slide into her wet satin slit as my own pussy trembled. She rode him. The look of pleasure on his face was beyond anything I had ever seen before. I never had time to be jealous because when he came inside her I watched her suck the life right out of him.

It was horrible, his moans of pleasure turned into screams of agony as his young beautiful body shriveled up to an old man's then to that of a dried up corpse. I couldn't stop screaming.

She moved off of him. His penis was still hard and beautiful, perfect, glistening with her moisture. I watched her take a large sharp knife out of her bag and slice it off. I crawled into the corner, shrinking into it as far as I could go as she walked toward me with Tom's penis in her hand. There wasn’t any blood, for some reason I expected blood, I wanted there to be blood.
Then the horror was too much; I closed my eyes and cried. I was shaking so bad my teeth rattled in my head yet my arousal hadn’t gone away. I thought it was the shock. I kept crying, hoping she would just go away.

"Sssh, darling, I am not going to hurt you. I don't hurt women unless they do something to deserve it. Come hear my little beauty, I smell your fear... but underneath it your blood still burns hot. Fire still courses between your legs. Come to me, I'll give you pleasure like you've never known before."

I tried to deny her. I thought of my poor Tom, my beautiful Tom who had been so full of life who was now laying on the bed an empty lifeless shell. I thought of him as she spread my legs and pushed two fingers inside me making me cry out through my sobs. Her mouth found my breasts and sucked in first one nipple then the other, first gently nibbling then biting harder and harder until I bled, until I cried out in pleasure and pain and drenched her fingers with my desire.

She licked the blood from my nipples and the tears from my face. She kissed me with those perfect, full, sensual lips and I gave in and kissed her back tasting myself on her. The rich coppery metallic taste of blood settled in my mouth like candy and I wanted more, more blood, more of her. She pulled away, looked at me and smiled a wicked knowing smile.

"Come here love, taste me, have your fill of me."

She spread her legs for me and parted her swollen nether lips. Her sharp fingernail sliced a small cut inside her opening. Blood welled and started to drip down into her. The sight drove me wild with lust. I dove between her legs and lapped at the blood mingling with her wetness. I couldn't control myself. I was horrified yet hotter than I had ever been before.
Later I contributed it all to shock and grief, but then she started visiting me and I wanted her, craved her just as much as I did that night. She had some control over me no man or anything else ever had. I hated her, but I wanted her. Wanted her bad and she knew it.

The cold cock brought me back to the moment. I had to know, I asked quietly, "Is it Tom's?"

"No, my precious, it is not your dead lover's thick shaft. It is a new one I got earlier tonight. Would you like to see it? It is magnificent. Large and veiny. It is a dark one, almost like carved ebony."

I wanted to say no, but my morbid curiosity had to see this thing being thrust inside me, "Turn on the lamp, I want to see."

She clicked on the bedside lamp. She had that horrible smile on her face that said she was entirely too pleased by my morbid fascination with her horrid deeds. The light glimmered off the moist black shaft. It was huge and beautiful. I gasped, "You didn't put that whole thing inside me, you couldn't have."

"Not yet, so far I just eased in less than half, but you will take it all."

She didn't give me a choice. It didn't matter. I wanted it. My pussy ached to have that whole big black cock buried inside me stretching me, filling me.

"The man you took that from must have been very large."

"He was and an amazing lay. Sometimes I almost feel bad about killing them. That's why I keep their best part, to use over and over again… forever." Her wicked laugh filled the room and made me break out in goose bumps.

She scared me and aroused me at the same time. Something was severely wrong with me. I was turned on by fear. Bells suddenly went off in my head as I thought about all the wild fuck fests I've had after watching scary movies or going to haunted houses. I was sick, disturbed. At least that fear was safe and clean. This was the real thing, people were dying and I was getting off on it, on them, or at least what was left of them.

I suddenly wasn't excited anymore. I felt sick to my stomach. "Lilith, please go. Go for now. I can't take anymore, not tonight." I curled up into a ball on the bed and squeezed my eyes tightly shut.

I think she must have understood or else she just didn't want to push me too far because when I opened my eyes she and her grotesque trophy were gone. It was like she had never been there at all except my pussy ached and my nipple still trickled blood.

She would be back, tomorrow was Halloween, her favorite night of the year. She’d come with more hideous toys to play with.

I couldn't wait.