Saturday, June 28, 2008

Contests for July

I have a contest this month for members of my CafeMom group (Erotica Lovers) only. I am giving away a copy of the book, The Pocket Muse Endless Inspirations and New Ideas for Writing. The book is by Monica Wood and is a great book for any aspiring writers out there.

To enter the contest send me an email through the CafeMom system with Muse Book Contest in the subject line.

I will randomly pick a winner from the entries in the next few weeks and I will be checking member emails against my list of Erotica Lovers members. Oh, open to those who live in the US only, sorry not paying international shipping rates right now.

I'm also having another contest for all subscribers of my newsletter. (If you would like to participate in both contests be sure to sign up for my newsletter and my Cafemom Erotica Lovers group.)

All subscribers to my newsletter are automatically entered into this contest. For this contest I'll be giving away a copy of Writing Creative Non-Fiction edited by Carolyn Forche and Philip Gerard. Also only open to US residents.

To enter in either contest send me an email through CafeMom and/or sign up for my newsletter by August 1st. I'll randomly choose winners from those entered after August 1st.